Hello! You've likely arrived at this page in search of a drive for your HPE server or storage unit. Great! We want to make sure you find the correct version of 418373-006 for your machine. Please read carefully the following.
418373-006 is a "bare drive" part, model, or assembly number for a drive that is mounted into a hotplug carrier, and used in HPE servers and storage devices.
HPE uses this bare drive p/n in multiple assemblies for different machines.
Please select the drive below (listed by HPE spare part number) that is appropriate for your machine.
If you are matching a drive currently installed to your machine, you'll find the spare part number on the release arm of the hotplug carrier.
Feel free to begin a Live Chat session or contact us if you have questions about compatibility.
432322-001 HPE 36GB 2.5" SFF 3G Single Port SAS 15K RPM Hot Plug Hard Drive (HPE Option #: 431933-B21)
Price: $111.00Today's Price: $78.00